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Reinforcing Ironworker Recruitment Website Goes Live!

By October 31, 2013August 11th, 2024TruBrand Marketing News
Reinforcing Ironworker Recruitment Website Goes Live

Reinforcing Ironworkers Wanted Responsive Website

TruBrand Marketing has just launched a website for one of our clients in the Reinforcing Ironwork industry. The client needed a simple website centered around an in-depth online application, with the goal of recruiting reinforcing ironworkers for various jobs across the U.S.

The client wanted to keep design elements and content on the website to a minimum, so we developed the website in a Content Management System to allow for future expansion of imagery and content if desired. We also developed the website using mobile responsive technology, meaning the application could easily be viewed and filled out on mobile phones and tablets. We worked closely with the client to develop the application, creating fields that would provide the exact information they needed.

Based on the number of applications already submitted to date, we expect a very high volume of leads for this campaign. We look forward to seeing more and more applications being submitted as our client fills their job sites with exactly the workers they need.